Spirit bottles and spells have been
preserved in many cultures and traditions,
but most of what we know about them
comes to us from the practice of the
hoodoo rootworkers and conjurers who
plied their trade years ago throughout
the rural South and parts of the American
Most of the hoodoo man’s “prescriptions”
for repelling evil involved the use
of visual objects of one kind or another.
It was not uncommon to find rocks, wire
fencing and even old tires arranged
in specific designs meant to serve the
dual purpose of attracting fortune and
keeping bad luck and evil away.
The most intriguing of these hoodoo
artifacts are now rarely seen though
they were once a staple part of the
Southern landscape: this is the spirit
bottle tree.
The belief in and use of spirit bottles
can be traced back to 9th and 10th century
Congo where colorful bottles, traditionally
cobalt blue, were placed on the ends
of tree branches to catch the sunlight.
It was thought that when an evil spirit
sees the sunshine dazzling from the
beautiful bottles, it is enamored and
enters the bottle. Like a fly, the spirit
then becomes trapped within the bottle;
too dazzled by the play of light, the
spirit prefers to remain in its colorful
prison, rather than trouble the world
of the living.
This long-standing African tradition
was brought to the Americas with the
slave diasporas of the 17th and 18th
centuries and it is a fact that everywhere
there are peoples of African descent,
the use of spirit bottles and spirit
bottle spells can be found among them.
In Dahomey as well as in the Congo the
spirit bottles were often used to encase
the spirit of deceased loved ones; bottles
also might be used to contain protective
household spirits. These latter spirits,
once encased in the bottle, would be
placed in a prominent spot near the
front door of the home where, in exchange
for their protection, the keepers would
make regular offerings to keep the spirit
fed and happy.
Once it was introduced to the West,
the native peoples of the New World
readily understood and adapted the spirit
bottle practice producing many different
varieties for a myriad of uses.
In Haiti, the African tradition of warding
off evil was adapted to trapping the
spiritual essence of everything from
an animal to a love object inside the
bottle. Once trapped inside, it was
believed, the spirit was at the command
of the keeper – in many instances
a Bokor voodoo priest intent on doing
harm, but just as often a spirit bottle
might be kept by an amorous suitor eager
to make a certain loved one cleave only
to him or her.
Throughout Latin America the spirit
bottle or charm bottle could be easily
recognized by the elaborate painting
and artwork that often decorated the
exterior. Some of these bottles, dedicated
to saints or Santerian orishas, were
kept for the purposes of healing as
well as good fortune and often medicinal
herbs and philters were kept in these
containers. It was commonly believed
that the spirit in the bottle would
enhance the efficacy of the medicine
and help speed the recovery to the keeper.
In the American South, local conjurers
employed bottles of many different colors;
though cobalt blue traditionally remained
the most popular other colors, such
as amber, rose and yellow were also
used for specific purposes. Often elaborate
carved stoppers, reminiscent of the
protective ancestor bottles of the African
Congo, were placed on the hoodoo man’s
conjure bottles with each color addressing
a specific request or need of the client.
In the Mid-Atlantic States and New England
the spirit bottle was familiar as the
“witch bottle” and served
the similar purpose of warding off evil
spirits, in this case the witch and
his or her dangerous evil eye. Philters
were often stored in charm bottles to
enhance the potency of the medicine
but also to keep witches from tampering
with it. Tradition also dictated that
some bottles be encased in elaborate
twined knots which, it was believed,
the intruding witch could not resist
unraveling, thus forgetting all about
the potion inside.
New Orleans own Zombie Spirit bottles
also had negative connotations among
certain rural populations where many
feared being trapped by in a bottle
by the hoodoo man to be perpetually
under his command; bottles such as these
were a fearful discovery on many doorsteps,
including many a porch stoop in old
New Orleans.
Here, the multiple traditions of the
spirit bottles combined in a unique
expression of local beliefs and practices.
Marie Laveau often distributed her potions
and cures in magically charged bottles;
only a few genuine examples of her Zombie
spirit bottles are extant today and
are extremely expensive collectibles.
More common are the homemade bottles
of Marie Laveau’s devotees and
of the local Cajun traiteurs: it is
not uncommon to find these antique examples
of local vodoun culture hidden with
other significant objects under floorboards
or behind bricks in many of the old
Creole cottages in and around New Orleans.
Today, the spirit, zombie and spell
bottle traditions are being kept alive
by the descendants of the original practitioners
of the vodoun culture in New Orleans,
many of whom learned the art of making
and charging the powerful bottles from
relatives who were contemporaries of
the great New Orleans Voodoo Queens.
Plain, painted, decorated with elaborate
voodoo doll heads and arms or with simple
feathers and strings, all are equally
as potent and should be handled with
care. But if treated correctly, these
unique voodoo artifacts will become
treasured possessions of any collector.
Zombie Bottle Dolls are made exclusively
by the folowers and Artist of Marie
Laveaus secret society which is still
very active in New Orleans today. Accept
no imations visit Bianca the reigning
Voodoo queen of New Orleans at The House
Of Voodoo online, and Purchase your
very own Today!!!
Purchase your very own highly collectible
Zombie Voodoo Spirit Bottle! Visit Bianca’s
House of Voodoo online today!!
ghost or spirit is bound within each
Zombie Spirit Bottle having been captured
by use of a hoodoo ritual spell known
only to Bianca, the powerful New Orleans
Voodoo Queen. Often a bottle will contain
more than one spirit, but all are compelled
to do your bidding alone: once in your
possession, it will aid you alone and
only you will control the Zombie spirit
residing within the bottle.
Bianca makes no claims as to the Zombie
Spirit Bottle dolls actually granting
wishes but does acknowledge that strange
things have been known to happen when
one is in possession of one of these
unique fetishes. The uses of the Zombie
Spirit Bottles is as varied as the imagination
of the owner, though many people like
to place them beside their front door
to protect their homes against evil;
others are kept in a special place on
the mantle where they function is similar
to that of the house elemental: they
will aggressively protect any they are
commanded to serve. Others are given
special spots on home altars where they
are regularly fed with spicy meals and
rum, and where money is offered to them.
Still others are simply kept as Voodoo
Many ghost hunters and paranormal investigators
have purchased or obtained Voodoo Spirit
Bottles for themselves and have subjected
the bottles to study to determine if
there is something paranormal about
them. But as Bianca says, the actual
truth of voodoo is in believing and
many agree that a strong belief is all
that is required to receive the aid
of the spirits inside the bottle. Many
believers claim the spirits inside speak
or sigh and that strange, inexplicable
events of bad luck can occur when the
spirits feel neglected or unhappy.
Zombie Spirit Bottles can be kept for
years, however, many people claim they
know when their spirit wants to be set
free of servitude. When this time comes,
Bianca claims, you will know immediately
and it is then that the bottle should
be taken out of the home and broken,
with the pieces buried at the nearest
crossroad or, alternately, in a newly
covered grave in any nearby cemetery.
Each Zombie Spirit Bottle is a one of
a kind creation and may vary in size,
design, and composition; all roughly
measure 10-20 inches in height and can
weigh up to 10 lbs.
Zombie Spirit Bottles are ritually prepared
and then given to an artist to embellish
after his or her own unique fashion.
This means that each bottle is not only
a Voodoo curio but also a desirable
and very collectible example of New
Orleans folk art. No two bottles are
the same and no matter what style you
choose you will not be disappointed
with the creation you receive.
So is now the time to welcome your very
own Zombie Spirit Bottle into your home?
Purchase one today and see what can
happen…if you dare!
Very Rare New Orleans Marie Laveau
Voodoo Curio